Saturday, December 22, 2012

MUsalia and times

Like the prodigal son , Musalia came of age after being given some leeway in ODM and he though the had his inheritance. The young man wanted to enjoy life on his own , so he packed his bags and left for the city. Little did he know what lay ahead. There are many a dark forces in the city, pretty girls and all manner of goodies. If only our son listen to the advice of the old, the  story would be even more interesting.

any bright mind knows the end of this story, but may be its the beginning you want to hear the most....drop me a line..

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Kenya:Polititians and Bought Degrees

With the promulgation of the new Constitution, Kenyan politicians seems to find themselves between a hard place and a rock. The new law now demands that members of the respective houses should have the minimum of a collage degree. Seeing as it is, not many of the current members fit in this bill. It is claimed that a good number of them have gone out of their way to buy degrees in order for them to comply with the law and thus secure at best  a nomination to contest in the coming elections. 

The Elections Act 2011, requires that one is a holder of a degree to qualify to contest for either governor and senate seat. Section 22 of the Act states, "a person may be nominated as a candidate for election as president, deputy president, county governor or deputy county governor, only if the person is a holder of degree from a university recognized in Kenya.

It seems this lot will do just anything so as to remain in the lame light.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Venus Eclipse

A once in a lifetime phenomenon of is what the guys at CNN are calling it. Call it what you may but Venus will not be crossing the sun againthis century. Its belived this will happen again in 2117 or there about,its very unlikelly that anyone of those breathing now will be alive then. so those who can and you must, take a the chance and check the skies at sunrise . Apart from Asia who will have the chance to watch the eclipse from start to end those in East Africa have 12 hours to watch the spectacle while the rest will content with shorter periods.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Rescueing Somalia-AU progress

Much as it seems that the thurde was stolen fron KDF by Amison through the AU, Kenya must be remebered to have dared throw the first stone. The action by KDF set the ball rolling for vigourous action from the African Union and the international community. The fruits of the labour of the Kenyan soldiers is slow paying with the capture of another strong hold of the condemned group. Slowly Somalia is assuming semblence to sanity and its now up to the people of this would be great nation to put their feet forward and chart the way to a peaceful and prospeous Somalia.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Somali Replica in the Making in Yemen

If the events reported by the media are anything to go by,then Yemen could well be on its way to the failed state category,fast. These developments should give our very own Somalia some consolation as they are not alone there. One thing that should be clarified is the lack of zeel from the international world to seek some sort of order. No one seems bothered that much, they cared for Lybia and Egypt and of late Syria but Yemen ,well they can just continue to languish in their poverty.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The National Alliance Launch

It was pomp and colour at the launch of TNA party. The vehicle as they like to call it, that will be used to drive Uhuru Kenyatta's political agenda. Those behind him say this move breaking a way from the past. That much is true, the money spent on this launch that has been done national is staggering. Two, his and Kalembe Ndiles party(TIP) are the only that have used articles in their acromym. It goes to show how blonde the brains behind the party are. before i sound too synical lets wish Uhuru well one question that i beg him to answer is,how is he going to deal with the ICC matter. Does he really believe that,that can be swept under the table?
This Gado cartoon best exemplifies what TNA is all about.Politics is not about who has the most money, its about you will help most people make money and not just cronies.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Fourth President of Kenya?

On the campaign trail,in bars ,on-line in the media and in the streets debate is rife. Political parties are formed , others are dying while others are being revived. All this is in an effort to capture the admiration of Kenyans and win their support for the coveted Office on the Hill that is state house. We have had insults exchanged , threats made and pompous manifestos crafted. They have told us they see the rising number of youths and know job creation is something they will want to look at. They have told us doing things the old way is what they want to break a way from. in all the things they say no one tells us how they will actually do what they claim will change matters in Kenya. i wonder if these leaders to be follow the news , do they for instant know about Greece. In light to they know how much debt Kenya needs to settle. thats not even the point, the quiz is how do they intent to raise the money that governments run on. How will they finance their grand ideas, this is one of the crucail question the presidentail hopefuls should be answering and not how one Raila should retire from politics.

Facebook IPO

A way from the political noise of who will take after Kibaki and numerous scandals at NSSF and NHIF, international something phenomenal is happening. Facebook the mother of all social networks is gearing up to its much touted IPO. If you havent guessed by now then know that it's the Billion digits that Zugerberg and frieends will get that pulled me to it. Its really incredibal that so much money caan be made from a mere online company. Its a challenge to the thousands of youth in Kenya and the world that, it can be done and in a very short time span.So go ahead all you youth and imitate the success of Facebook.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Regrouping Against The ICC

It has now emerged that African leaders are regrouping to frustrate the hague based court. astonishinglly this is coming from a country like Kenya, one of the signitories of the Rome statute. I dont know about the rest of the world but from where i seat it seems that its only in Africa where laws are formulated with all the good intent and the subverted to the core with equal malice.Why in the world did African leaders sign the Rome statute that formed the ICC?? Who did they expect the law will reighn on? Were they disillusioned that the contents theirein only happen in movies as one suspect of the court keeps telling us? Its stupid, its silly for few people to think they will always decide the destinity of millions without seeking their thought on it.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Western Kenya vote

My Facebook friend Erick Matsanza puts the luhya well in perspective when he discusses about the Mudavadi move and how the supporters of ODM and Mudavadis should behave. Read his thoughts here. "The Western Kenya vote is very democratic and westerners have always voted for their preferred candidates and in different parties, Instead of MM and Rao supporters clashing, they should turn to issues and ask what do they have to offer in comparison to the other. That calls for MM and Rao releasing their manifestos as early as this so that Kenyans can engage them. Denying Kenyans what you stand for will only but leave they resorting to physical confrontation. MM and Rao, kindly do Kenyans justice by giving us your manifestos so that we can engage you. Do not create room for cheap political rivalry. Westerners must refuse to be divided by the politicians with self seeking interests. When MM moved to UDFP it was his democratic right. Self seekers should not polarize the politics of western Kenya with hate and malice. Westerners should not allow other politicians to use them so that they can fight each other in a show down. Lets wait for the coming elections day and protest through the ballot. That is the only fair way to this nation. Luhyas have always been tolerant and democratic. Lets uphold this spirit. As Kenyans we have to define who becomes the president, we vet them then do what is right at the ballot day. Who is your president of choice and why do you think s/he is befitting to lead Kenyans?"

Confirmed, Mudavadi is a project of Moi and Kibaki

I bumped into this article by Wycliffe Pemba Onzere on Facebook and thought its worth broadcasting.......its a tell of the weak and meek being clueless to the core.
Confirmed, Mudavadi is a project of Moi and Kibaki.I never lie,I'm open and honest and that's why I will die with Raila.I must break from the past.This also seals the fate of Ruto.Luhya's I told you Mudavadi is a broker who is going to auction you.You will continue languishing in poverty through the principle of Mwana Wefwe and shienyu ni shienyu.Hate me for telling you the truth as what matters to me is how to break out of the vicious circle and Mudavadi will not help me do that although he is my Mp and a fellow Maragoli.My main objective and desire to participate in general elections and to exercise my voting rights is to change the living standards of Kenyans and to unite them and not to enslave them through Mudavadi. Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi’s departure from ODM to the United Democratic Front party can, politically speaking, be described as his ultimate political rebirth. However, who was behind the aura of confidence exhibited by the emboldened Sabatia MP of late? We can now reveal that President Kibaki and former President Moi played a key role in Mr Mudavadi’s latest move. Mr Mudavadi’s deal to join UDF was sealed surprisingly quickly, there was no time for public speculation. The choice of the UDF was quite telling. The party was formed by State House operatives. It is not a secret that one of the senior operatives guides the party and is its major resources mobiliser. Prior to Mr Mudavadi’s announcement, he met the senior operative at least twice — at his Kileleshwa home in Nairobi and at his rural home in Mululu, Vihiga County. UDF was formed as a potential vehicle for Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta to seek the presidency. It is unlikely that State House operatives would craft such a political strategy without the full approval of President Kibaki. On the other side of the coin, Mr Moi was involved in egging on the DPM to make a serious statement. During Mr Mudavadi’s visit to Rift Valley, where he said he had gone to consult, he lent his ear to well known Kanu loyalists. One of the most remarkable statements was by Mr Mark Too, a political broker in the Rift Valley. Mr Too said: “I know Musalia is the right one to be president. We want him to take the leadership from President Mwai Kibaki.” He went ahead to ask for support from the Luhya community as “we in the Rift Valley will fully support him.” In the meetings, Mr Mudavadi was referred to as lakwet nyo (our child). Instructively, Mr Mudavadi’s step mother comes from the Kalenjin community. The DPM capped his Rift Valley forays by visiting former Mr Moi at his Kabarak home in Nakuru. The three men are not new to each other. Musalia’s father, Moses Mudavadi, a career educationist in the 1950s, was a close friend of Mr Moi. And many years later in 2002, Mr Moi would craft his succession with Mr Mudavadi as his Vice-President and eventually a running mate of his preferred candidate, Mr Uhuru Kenyatta. Mr Too was a key strategist in the Moi succession plot. Curiously, Kanu was “heavily represented” at Mr Mudavadi’s defection event this week with secretary general Nick Salat one of the notable guests together with a horde of overly excited Kanu stalwarts

Monday, April 30, 2012

Michuki memorial park:For what?

Somebody pinch me, because I must really be dreaming. A man does one little act ,one that has been done ten times over by someone else and here we are rushing to immortalise him. I THINK ,Wangare Maathai must be turning in here grave,wondering what the heck Michuki did? Naming of that park after Michuki is not helping anyone. If anything the guys clamaring for this should do better and rihabilitate some more of the river other than spend money on the park.

Friday, April 27, 2012

EALA atempting to save the Ocampo 4

When will polititians get reasonable for their own sake. We thought the Kenyan lot was rotten but we now know better. Its in all of them, the propensity to get stupid. The need to regroup when one is in danger, even when they are in the wrong. Yesterday I was stunned by the news that the East African Legislative Assembly was even discussing the matter of the ocampo four leave alone the thought of them working on reffering the cases to the East African court of justice. Where were they all this while. Isn't surrender termed as a stratedy even in the political arena? Call it giving up or letting nature take its course.I guess some people need lessons.

Rotary Kenya still Running Polio Campaign?

I am not in the medical field neither do i know any docs or Nurses on a personal level, meaning my facts may be greatelly distorted on polio. That having been said can someone tel me why the Rotary Club of Kenya still thinks polio is something we should be kicking out. As I disclaimed in the start I don't know this things but I think we can direct our efforts somewhere else.....

CRA Revenue allocation formular

Kenya is a country of firsts on many fronts,we have the fastes runners and I think this is catching up with our intelligence too.Some MPs in the eastern and north eastern parts of kenya are crying wolf over thr CRA'S Revenue Allocation Formular.....They say population should not be given the 60% weight it has, they may be right. They however should not brush of the population factor. It should still carter for a good chunk of the allocation formular. They should realise the effect of domestic tax on the total revenue collected in the country. Do they know that a huge chunk of kenyas revenue is from domestic tax. Meaning, dispite the need for regional balance Nairobi still needs working on. Those who leave in Nairobi should not be forced to sacrifice their would have been better life as they have a right to it through the tax they pay. No one should take this to mean I consider the formular fair, not at all. We Know North Eastern needs roads schools and hospitals to attaract populations just like Nairobi and many other urban centers that promise better service through better infrustarcture....A re-look at the CRA revenue allocation formular is needed.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Nairobi city council ISO certified,Really?

There is no way a council that runs on undequalified stuff and one that collects revenue without service get ISO certified. The city council of Nairobi can not justify its existence when roads are flooded, street lights are down n sewage runs in the river and road sides....this certfication doesnt just add up. Unless its given for poor service delivery.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Deal with MRC Now

The Mombasa Republican Council or MRC as its now famously known is bound to a thorn in the Kenyan flesh if its not stopped in its trucks now. Like the Mungiki some few individuals would like ti toy with the idea of using it further their political interests but it will run out of controil even for these politicians. Its for the interest of the government and the fact that democracy demands individual libeties to be left at that, at the individual level. The cardinal rule of democracy though should not be forgoten, you have rights just to the extend that they do not interfear with my freedom, when your perported right messes with mine it ceases to be a right and thus an infringement....puting this in context might prove a little hard but we know the activities of MRC are interfearing with the greater good.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Black Hole Thats Mudavadi's Political Future

Musalia Mudavadi could as well be labled the master of political blunders. There is no telling it with certainity but we know that the Debuty Prime~minister has no marshalling power independently. He has at best been riding under some god father figures wing. As the papers rightlly put it he is easilly labled a MOI opharn togethre with Ruto and Uhuru. The regrouping of the orphans must allude some growth and and imaginary strength but political pundits know better. It will be rather hard for Mudavadi to manuver the political landscape outside the largest political party in Kenya so far.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Moribund Nationalist that is Kiraitu Murungi

once a pone a time in the History of Kenyan forklore there leaved a truel nationalist in the form one Kiraiti Murungi. This man it is claimed had very articulate anectodes of ideas on ways if turning the rote that was the Kanu lead Kenya to a vibrant all inclusive nation that respected the rule of law and equlity in all spheres of life. This man went ahead to even publish a book 'in the mud of politics' to help propaget his ideas. This was in the 80's,when Kiraitus anger was driven by the sidelining of his own from enjoyment of the national cake. Now that he sits high up , his ideas could well be seen to have been the best work of fiction. THE KIRAITU of then did not exits but only in some peoples figment of imagination. where are the true nationalist in Kenya?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Another Nyeri First

Nyeri has refused not to be in the news. It seems these county town will by all means hit headlines fro good or bad. We had about the rampant husband beating. Now its claimed that a Nyeri son killed his father over a sigaratte. Really? What is the matter with Nyeri and can we help?

OIL prices up again?

It seems like a game. One that is one sided as there seems to be no opponents. The ERC which since its formation has done more harm than good was at it again, shooting prices up the roof when internationally the price of oil is reducing. What on earth are they using to determine their prices? 7 more good kenyan shillings is what motorists will have to bare with till mid May when new prices will be anounced.

Friday, April 13, 2012

300 million a year for neclear in 2022

When countries like Japan and germany are trying to move a way from nucler power Kenya is well on its way to aquiring the technology ten years into the future. the committee charged with the responsiblity of fasttracking aquisition of the tech says it needs 300 million each year for the next ten years to get us there.I dont know about you but if we cant keep away alshaabab and tame mungiki or MRC can we really handle the volatile nucler? I would conforablly ensure we have the ricght capacity in many iother areas before embarking on getting kenya to swallo more than it can chew. there are dams to think of, wind power and solar . This sources am sure will not cost that much to acquire and we will get results as soon as we put our money to it unlike nuclear that needs a grace period.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

North Korean Rocket Lauch Fails

According to credible sources mainly the US the much touted rocket lauch by the North Korea may have failed. North Korea had shocked the world with the confidence they had demonstrated in the technology going to the extend of inviting international media to witness the launch. Many questions now abound with the revelations that the rocket broke apart seconds after living the lauch pad.

Airtel Kenya behaving badly

If you are an Airtel customer then like me you may have discovered they are trying to sign you to their 'skiza' tune through the back door. They send you a message claiming you are a lucky to be given the chance to use the tune for free for a week. They then prompt you to accept the free offer. The trick is, when you do, you will automatically be signing on to be charged for something you dont need at all after the free trial period. It buffles me that Airtel Kenya has run out of ideas of making momey and now it has resorted to underhand dealing.One wonders then, how is it that AIRTEL is said to have been very succesful in India?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Boycotting olympics for Uhuru and Ruto

What temerity? Who on earth do these two young men think they are. Who really cares if they languish in hell or not. Should our lives stop because of the plight of a few kids who decided on there own volition to play with fire...After failed shuttle diplomacy, now Uhuru and Ruto think they can take the Icc by hoowinking kenyan athletes into boycotting the olympics. In their wisdom may be this will catch the attention of the UN security council and together with the 5 million signatures they intend to collect. A dying horse kicks am told, but this one is kicking too much.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mt.Kenya on Fire-Firefighting tips 101

They say a good section of the main water tower in kenya is burning. Mount kenya and the arbedere forest have for the last four days been engulf by flames. The kenya forest service ,KWS and the Kenya Police are all fighting the fire the best way the know. What is interesting though is that even with these many troops on the ground nothing much is happening in terms of containing the fire. I hard one official say , without shame that they are banking on rain to help put off the inferno. One question is begged here, what if the skies dont open? basic forest fire fighting must ensure the fire is not fed. This means some trees must be prooned or even cut....digging a trench is also another nice way to wade of the fire. This are simple remedies that may work, they dont require millions in equipment, action is all is needed. But its easier said than done,may the rain come lest we loose all the forest cover and wildlife in central Kenya.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Beautiful curves and road mantenance in Kenya

They claim all over that the Kibaki administaration has a prettyty good job on the kenyan roads, there is some truth but if you ask me I would differ like yellow would with purple. It is one thing to make a road and maintaining it a whole new story, something we should be looking at more. Even the mega supper highways in carlifonia and china were not cast in stone. Constant mentainance of this structures is what sets the difference. Its time the Kenya Roads Board and the relevant ministry learnt this other we will be loosing millions of dollars doing fresh roads each time we elect a new governt.

Nairobi jam and the super feeder.thika supper highway

The works on thika highway create a site to mervel. Looking good to the eye and the vehicles too. Its some magnificent fruit of careful plannning. Thats what any one looking from a diatance would want to believe but when you move closer you are hit by the reality that is a constant snal up on the inner city roads. then one wonders wouldnt, it make sense to increase the size of your tank before you emberk on fetching more water over and above the normal capacity. The city lords and the planning gurus should have worked up a plan to decongest the city roads before feeding it with more traffic. Looks common sense to me.

How Njenga Karume made his millions- the untold story

Beer not charcoal was the real game changer for Njenga. The told story seems sweet akin to a soap opera made in kenya and viewd in panama. The real story is actually sweeter akin to a movie done in colombia and enjoyed in Mexico and the rest of the capitalist world. Gema am told was the bed rock of Kikuyu politics in yore years. One man Mr Njenga you know happened to be one of the brains behind it. During the Kenyatta government Gema and Kanu were one or the same. Meaning as much we all knew Kanu to be the power behind Kenyatta the real power was GEMA. If any deal was to be brokered at any level the president and his men sort the direction and blessings from Gema. Njenga Karume at this time and for a very long time was the face of Gema. It therefore goes withiut saying that the person that worked this deals was not other tham yours truelly NK. one case scenario we look at beer distrubutorship and the ring of the powerful then finance minister Mwai Kibaki, that made Njenga the real millions and not charcoal as they want us to believe.Njenga in his 'asstuteness' managed to get distributorship.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Never Ending Illigal Strikes in Kenya

We have had a number of strikes recentlly, all of which astonishingly have been termed illegal by the relevant ministries. one question that this action has been beging is, when would a strike ever be legal in Kenya? Didn't we just have a article in the new order that allowed such? There is need to take a fresh look at many salary discipancies in almost all sectors in the Kenyan economy.

Mobile ID Regestration-Kenya moving

the move by the ministry of immigration to register persons where they are is a nice one. Such radical and efficient ways of doing things is what Kenya needs each day. We need many other services given by the government to go mobile. This also includes health care and anything you can think of..

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The 41.3 Million KNH Mututho Fraud Case

The Mututho mis-law MR Mututho could easily pass for a very straight forward guy. I mean he is the man behind the famous alcohol laws that change the way people consume and buy alcohol in the country. The laws that were even christened Mututho laws.The dude is a law on his own right.So who would have though prior to this famous laws that i suspect were meant to be a cleansing act that corruption could be associated with a law in this way.Mututho is alleged to have fraudulently acquired 41.3million shillings as reimbursement for import duty and VAT.This fraud was committed through his company Countryside suppliers. It is alleged he forged receipts between August and December 2001. An interesting twist that many media houses have shunned is the death of two people associated with the case. One magistrate Stella Muketi and a KRA cashier. So how much of the Mututho law do you like?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


To day is the day of reckoning for over 413 000 students who sat for their KCSE last year. They will know the fate of their four years struggle, some will triumph yet others will feel disappointed. There is one thing for certain though, this results DO NOT determine your fate. For those who pass with A's very well,your options are many. For those who haven't any A's,going to university is not the only path to success. People have done well joining polytechnics and collages. Those who put their heads in it end up doing even better than those that went to university. Do not despair my sisters and brothers this is the beginning rather than the end of the road. Last year some of the KCPE candidates decide to end their lives for the simple fact that they failed,we ask you to be sober and also request parents to go easy on their kids. Accept their results and encourage them,life is more than nice grades. The guys at Bert&Rich indicate that the KNEC website is down. Go the SMS way then:- TO GET YOUR RESULTS SMS YOUR INDEX NO TO 5052.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The 14 seater Matatu snag...who is to blame?

I can't help but wonder, why does it seem too hard for the government to implement simple policy matters. Is facing out of the 14 seater matatu a matter to debate really? Dint we do this already 50 years a go when we saw that they are the cause of the congestion in our roads-at least in part. It's time for the ministry of transport to act tough like when Michuki was at the helm and not back down on the initial idea: de-congesting the city. The Swahili say "Amani haiji ila kwa incha ya upanga"(peace does not come but by the sword).Like wise development isn't a bed of roses> Some people will surfer the brunt of the new measures but only for the greater public good. In the end we intend that all will be smiling.

The War of Our Time

There is a new war our here.Hush! There is a new war out here, brothers and sisters; it’s the war of survival, the war of putting food on our tables and clothing our families. It is a hidden war, fought every day by everyone. And just like the rat trap the casualties are those that know and those that don’t know they are fighting it. (waliomo na wasiokuamo) I know am at war every morning a wake up and I can not afford to buy the morning newspaper. I know am at war when all I do about improving myself is pray and hope that God will be generous to me. I know am at war when I wake up and find that there is nothing I can do to help my ailing mother or grandfather. It is a war between those that have and the have not’s. This is the war of our lifetime. Before you read too much into it, don’t think am asking you to take arms and shot down the enemy. No, am only asking you to watch. Watch as your MP says nothing about the high fuel prices, watch, when food prices are so high and all he does is…. nothing. And remember also to watch when he so too quick to take the first flight to The Hague and sing a national song without shame in support of criminals. You just watch and do nothing, just like your MP. Watch as your neighbor drives the biggest car in the world, yet you have the same education and they call him bright .Just watch brothers, just watch sisters, for your lot is cast in stone and no matter how hard you try you will remain what you are ….a watcher. The truth is i have done enough of my watching. How long should it take a collage graduate to find a meaningful job? How long are you supposed to kiss peoples feet? There are many things I wish I could do and time is running out. I know many are out there like me. I do not know what they are thinking, but I think the system is working so hard against us. We can not match its might, but we can start building our capacity. Small steps, baby steps will get us there. There is been a lot of talk about using our talent, but what do you do when you don’t even realize what talent you have. So I tell you boys and girls. Forget the talent; use your brain, your hands, your feet, it’s all you got. I mean what more ability do you need than the ability to move around and do things. Get moving!

Mother and Son to Marry in Zimbabwe-what next?

The headline alone is enough to leave you fearing the worst, thinking this cant be possible? Unfortunately it is. A Mother and Son from Zimbabwe in a Place called Masvingo are not only getting married but Betty Mbereko the mother to Farai Mbereko is 6 months pregnant. In a fair society it’s safe to say that this by all means “Abnormal” and ludacris. Mbereko (40), was widowed 12 years ago and has been cohabiting (living together in an Intimate relationship) with her first child, Farai Mbereko (23). She confirms that she is six months pregnant and that she has decided it is better to “marry” her son because she does not want to marry her late husband’s young brothers, whom she says have shown desire and interest for her. Betty stunned a village court last week when she said the affair with her son had begun three years earlier. She said after spending a lot of money sending Farai to school following the death of her husband, she felt she had a right to his money and no other woman was entitled to it. She told the village court : “Look, I strove alone to send my son to school and no one helped me. Now you see that my son is working and you accuse me of doing something wrong. “Let me enjoy the products of my sweat”. Farai said he was more than prepared to marry his mother and would pay off the Lobola (dowry) balance his father had left unpaid to his grandparents. ”I know my father died before he finished paying the bride price and I am prepared to pay it off,” he said. “It is better to publicise what is happening because people should know that I am the one who made my mother pregnant. Otherwise they will accuse her of promiscuity.” A spokesperson of the village said “We cannot allow this to happen in our village, “mashura chaiwo aya” (This is a bad omen indeed). In the past they would have to be killed but today we cannot do it because we are afraid of the police”. He warned them to break off their marriage or leave his village. They chose the latter and have left the village for an unknown destination.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Replica Konza City coming up in Ethiopia-as we wait

Ethiopia stealing The ICT park Thunder from Kenya
As kenya plays in the mud that is the ICT park idea Ethiopia came from behind and has already comenced costruction of a replica Konza city. The action by Ethiopia will certainly steal the thunder from the Kenyan idea as we watch. Investors that would have come to Kenya will opt to go to Ethiopia and we may be left with a shell city.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fare thee well John Njoroge Michuki

The bio bellow is a story of the stern yet controvercial son of Kenya.We will remember him for many things but above all else are the Michuki rules. Those that changed the way Kenyans travel. As a young District Commissioner, aged only 27, John Njoroge Michuki watched in dismay and anger one afternoon as a white couple stormed out of his office on realising that he, a black man, was the very Government official meant to attend to them. The couple had anticipated to find a white administrator. This incident of 1961 at Nanyuki, Laikipia District, nearly 44 years ago, has remained a painful sore in the Internal Security minister's mind. Mr Michuki, who has severally recounted this scene, is furious for having been rejected by some of the people he was meant to serve. So as it were, the Minister was baptised by fire from the word go. And from that time, Michuki who largely answers to the old colonial mentality, having schooled, raised and worked under the colonial Government has proved a no-nonsense firm and tough-talking man, more like the colonial governors. Described by many as ruthlessly efficient, Michuki has presided over his ministries successfully emerging as one of the best performing ministers in President Kibaki's Government today. Only last month, he was declared winner of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights' Waziri award. Michuki received the award in recognition of his efforts to reform public transport. Born in 1932 at Iyego, Kangema in Murang'a District, Michuki went to Nyeri High School and then Mang'u High School where he and Kibaki did their "A" Levels. He later joined Worcester College, UK, where he studied administration and finance. On returning to Kenya, he became a D.O in 1958 in the colonial administration. He served as D.O in the then Fort Hall of Murang'a District, Vihiga Division and Busia Division in western Kenya between 1957 and 1961. At independence, President Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, appointed him an under-secretary and then a permanent secretary in the Ministry of Finance in 1965. Here again, aged 33, he stepped in the shoes of another white man, Mr John Butter, who was just retiring. The link between his past and his current tough stance is clearly evident. The reforms in the transport sector, for instance, were initially perceived as radical and impossible. But today, matatus are fitted with speed governors, seat belts, have a single colour with a yellow strip and uniformed personnel! The implementation was not a rosy affair and any weaker soul would have thrown in the towel. Ugly scenes of people trekking long miles to work, sleeping on pavements for lack of transport were the order of the day. In more serious cases, two or three commuters escaped death after dropping off from a moving train, for lack of alternative transport, and sustaining injuries. One of them, Christopher Waweru, even lost an arm. But the minister dismissed the victims as "adventurers": "Kenya Railways has no standing commitment with anybody hanging onto the train without a valid ticket. We must all observe necessary safety measures," he said. Before getting into active politics, Michuki served as chairman of the Kenya Commercial Bank from 1970-1979 when he attempted to capture the Kangema seat but lost to Joseph Kamotho. He won it in 1983 and was appointed to various assistant minister positions. He has been Kangema MP since the multi-party era in 1992. Story by OSCAR OBONYO Written sometime in 2005.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Mombasa Republican Council

"Coasterians" will never stop to amaze.I could not help but to wonder what the so called chairman of the MRC thinks he is doing. On one hand he speaks as though he has no association with Kenya at all and on the other he runs to the Kenyan courts to lift the ban on their grouping. Who runs the Courts? This is not the real issue though. The issue is, does this guy and MRC know what they are about to bring to their people? Is he ready to run with the rhetoric all the way? Does he think, even minutely that he can give the Kenyan government a run of their money? Secession in not a matter of vegetable vendors that have no power connection. Secession will be fought with all means by the original government. Secession in not his cup of tea. Youth can be organised differently to advance political and development agendas.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Wiper Has Been Wiped

Kalonzo Musyoka thinks he is clever. He pulled what we would like to call "A kalonzo" on Raila when he hijacked ODM Kenya. Now his would be allies have pulled A Kalonzo on him and he now spills the beans. What is that i heard him say about G7? Time is now rife for the real political games. Smear campaign and all is what we like most. Me thinks there is noT much hope in the Kalonzo campaign anymore. There is nothing much he can pull by himself or is there? Yeees! nooo! THE ANSWER IS WATERMELONISH!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Syokimau Demolitions

I wonder why the Kenyan government isn't coming clean as to the real reason for the demolitions in Syokimau.
If examples elsewhere are anything to go with then their is absolutely no reason why houses as far as those in the area could be on the flight path of planes. A look at the photo attached should help anyone understand that they pose no danger.