Saturday, February 25, 2012

The War of Our Time

There is a new war our here.Hush! There is a new war out here, brothers and sisters; it’s the war of survival, the war of putting food on our tables and clothing our families. It is a hidden war, fought every day by everyone. And just like the rat trap the casualties are those that know and those that don’t know they are fighting it. (waliomo na wasiokuamo) I know am at war every morning a wake up and I can not afford to buy the morning newspaper. I know am at war when all I do about improving myself is pray and hope that God will be generous to me. I know am at war when I wake up and find that there is nothing I can do to help my ailing mother or grandfather. It is a war between those that have and the have not’s. This is the war of our lifetime. Before you read too much into it, don’t think am asking you to take arms and shot down the enemy. No, am only asking you to watch. Watch as your MP says nothing about the high fuel prices, watch, when food prices are so high and all he does is…. nothing. And remember also to watch when he so too quick to take the first flight to The Hague and sing a national song without shame in support of criminals. You just watch and do nothing, just like your MP. Watch as your neighbor drives the biggest car in the world, yet you have the same education and they call him bright .Just watch brothers, just watch sisters, for your lot is cast in stone and no matter how hard you try you will remain what you are ….a watcher. The truth is i have done enough of my watching. How long should it take a collage graduate to find a meaningful job? How long are you supposed to kiss peoples feet? There are many things I wish I could do and time is running out. I know many are out there like me. I do not know what they are thinking, but I think the system is working so hard against us. We can not match its might, but we can start building our capacity. Small steps, baby steps will get us there. There is been a lot of talk about using our talent, but what do you do when you don’t even realize what talent you have. So I tell you boys and girls. Forget the talent; use your brain, your hands, your feet, it’s all you got. I mean what more ability do you need than the ability to move around and do things. Get moving!

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