Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Kenya:Polititians and Bought Degrees

With the promulgation of the new Constitution, Kenyan politicians seems to find themselves between a hard place and a rock. The new law now demands that members of the respective houses should have the minimum of a collage degree. Seeing as it is, not many of the current members fit in this bill. It is claimed that a good number of them have gone out of their way to buy degrees in order for them to comply with the law and thus secure at best  a nomination to contest in the coming elections. 

The Elections Act 2011, requires that one is a holder of a degree to qualify to contest for either governor and senate seat. Section 22 of the Act states, "a person may be nominated as a candidate for election as president, deputy president, county governor or deputy county governor, only if the person is a holder of degree from a university recognized in Kenya.

It seems this lot will do just anything so as to remain in the lame light.

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