Sunday, May 20, 2012

The National Alliance Launch

It was pomp and colour at the launch of TNA party. The vehicle as they like to call it, that will be used to drive Uhuru Kenyatta's political agenda. Those behind him say this move breaking a way from the past. That much is true, the money spent on this launch that has been done national is staggering. Two, his and Kalembe Ndiles party(TIP) are the only that have used articles in their acromym. It goes to show how blonde the brains behind the party are. before i sound too synical lets wish Uhuru well one question that i beg him to answer is,how is he going to deal with the ICC matter. Does he really believe that,that can be swept under the table?
This Gado cartoon best exemplifies what TNA is all about.Politics is not about who has the most money, its about you will help most people make money and not just cronies.

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