Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The 41.3 Million KNH Mututho Fraud Case

The Mututho mis-law MR Mututho could easily pass for a very straight forward guy. I mean he is the man behind the famous alcohol laws that change the way people consume and buy alcohol in the country. The laws that were even christened Mututho laws.The dude is a law on his own right.So who would have though prior to this famous laws that i suspect were meant to be a cleansing act that corruption could be associated with a law in this way.Mututho is alleged to have fraudulently acquired 41.3million shillings as reimbursement for import duty and VAT.This fraud was committed through his company Countryside suppliers. It is alleged he forged receipts between August and December 2001. An interesting twist that many media houses have shunned is the death of two people associated with the case. One magistrate Stella Muketi and a KRA cashier. So how much of the Mututho law do you like?

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