On the campaign trail,in bars ,on-line in the media and in the streets debate is rife. Political parties are formed , others are dying while others are being revived. All this is in an effort to capture the admiration of Kenyans and win their support for the coveted Office on the Hill that is state house.
We have had insults exchanged , threats made and pompous manifestos crafted. They have told us they see the rising number of youths and know job creation is something they will want to look at. They have told us doing things the old way is what they want to break a way from. in all the things they say no one tells us how they will actually do what they claim will change matters in Kenya. i wonder if these leaders to be follow the news , do they for instant know about Greece. In light to they know how much debt Kenya needs to settle. thats not even the point, the quiz is how do they intent to raise the money that governments run on. How will they finance their grand ideas, this is one of the crucail question the presidentail hopefuls should be answering and not how one Raila should retire from politics.
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