Friday, May 25, 2012

Rescueing Somalia-AU progress

Much as it seems that the thurde was stolen fron KDF by Amison through the AU, Kenya must be remebered to have dared throw the first stone. The action by KDF set the ball rolling for vigourous action from the African Union and the international community. The fruits of the labour of the Kenyan soldiers is slow paying with the capture of another strong hold of the condemned group. Slowly Somalia is assuming semblence to sanity and its now up to the people of this would be great nation to put their feet forward and chart the way to a peaceful and prospeous Somalia.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Somali Replica in the Making in Yemen

If the events reported by the media are anything to go by,then Yemen could well be on its way to the failed state category,fast. These developments should give our very own Somalia some consolation as they are not alone there. One thing that should be clarified is the lack of zeel from the international world to seek some sort of order. No one seems bothered that much, they cared for Lybia and Egypt and of late Syria but Yemen ,well they can just continue to languish in their poverty.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The National Alliance Launch

It was pomp and colour at the launch of TNA party. The vehicle as they like to call it, that will be used to drive Uhuru Kenyatta's political agenda. Those behind him say this move breaking a way from the past. That much is true, the money spent on this launch that has been done national is staggering. Two, his and Kalembe Ndiles party(TIP) are the only that have used articles in their acromym. It goes to show how blonde the brains behind the party are. before i sound too synical lets wish Uhuru well one question that i beg him to answer is,how is he going to deal with the ICC matter. Does he really believe that,that can be swept under the table?
This Gado cartoon best exemplifies what TNA is all about.Politics is not about who has the most money, its about you will help most people make money and not just cronies.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Fourth President of Kenya?

On the campaign trail,in bars ,on-line in the media and in the streets debate is rife. Political parties are formed , others are dying while others are being revived. All this is in an effort to capture the admiration of Kenyans and win their support for the coveted Office on the Hill that is state house. We have had insults exchanged , threats made and pompous manifestos crafted. They have told us they see the rising number of youths and know job creation is something they will want to look at. They have told us doing things the old way is what they want to break a way from. in all the things they say no one tells us how they will actually do what they claim will change matters in Kenya. i wonder if these leaders to be follow the news , do they for instant know about Greece. In light to they know how much debt Kenya needs to settle. thats not even the point, the quiz is how do they intent to raise the money that governments run on. How will they finance their grand ideas, this is one of the crucail question the presidentail hopefuls should be answering and not how one Raila should retire from politics.

Facebook IPO

A way from the political noise of who will take after Kibaki and numerous scandals at NSSF and NHIF, international something phenomenal is happening. Facebook the mother of all social networks is gearing up to its much touted IPO. If you havent guessed by now then know that it's the Billion digits that Zugerberg and frieends will get that pulled me to it. Its really incredibal that so much money caan be made from a mere online company. Its a challenge to the thousands of youth in Kenya and the world that, it can be done and in a very short time span.So go ahead all you youth and imitate the success of Facebook.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Regrouping Against The ICC

It has now emerged that African leaders are regrouping to frustrate the hague based court. astonishinglly this is coming from a country like Kenya, one of the signitories of the Rome statute. I dont know about the rest of the world but from where i seat it seems that its only in Africa where laws are formulated with all the good intent and the subverted to the core with equal malice.Why in the world did African leaders sign the Rome statute that formed the ICC?? Who did they expect the law will reighn on? Were they disillusioned that the contents theirein only happen in movies as one suspect of the court keeps telling us? Its stupid, its silly for few people to think they will always decide the destinity of millions without seeking their thought on it.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Western Kenya vote

My Facebook friend Erick Matsanza puts the luhya well in perspective when he discusses about the Mudavadi move and how the supporters of ODM and Mudavadis should behave. Read his thoughts here. "The Western Kenya vote is very democratic and westerners have always voted for their preferred candidates and in different parties, Instead of MM and Rao supporters clashing, they should turn to issues and ask what do they have to offer in comparison to the other. That calls for MM and Rao releasing their manifestos as early as this so that Kenyans can engage them. Denying Kenyans what you stand for will only but leave they resorting to physical confrontation. MM and Rao, kindly do Kenyans justice by giving us your manifestos so that we can engage you. Do not create room for cheap political rivalry. Westerners must refuse to be divided by the politicians with self seeking interests. When MM moved to UDFP it was his democratic right. Self seekers should not polarize the politics of western Kenya with hate and malice. Westerners should not allow other politicians to use them so that they can fight each other in a show down. Lets wait for the coming elections day and protest through the ballot. That is the only fair way to this nation. Luhyas have always been tolerant and democratic. Lets uphold this spirit. As Kenyans we have to define who becomes the president, we vet them then do what is right at the ballot day. Who is your president of choice and why do you think s/he is befitting to lead Kenyans?"

Confirmed, Mudavadi is a project of Moi and Kibaki

I bumped into this article by Wycliffe Pemba Onzere on Facebook and thought its worth broadcasting.......its a tell of the weak and meek being clueless to the core.
Confirmed, Mudavadi is a project of Moi and Kibaki.I never lie,I'm open and honest and that's why I will die with Raila.I must break from the past.This also seals the fate of Ruto.Luhya's I told you Mudavadi is a broker who is going to auction you.You will continue languishing in poverty through the principle of Mwana Wefwe and shienyu ni shienyu.Hate me for telling you the truth as what matters to me is how to break out of the vicious circle and Mudavadi will not help me do that although he is my Mp and a fellow Maragoli.My main objective and desire to participate in general elections and to exercise my voting rights is to change the living standards of Kenyans and to unite them and not to enslave them through Mudavadi. Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi’s departure from ODM to the United Democratic Front party can, politically speaking, be described as his ultimate political rebirth. However, who was behind the aura of confidence exhibited by the emboldened Sabatia MP of late? We can now reveal that President Kibaki and former President Moi played a key role in Mr Mudavadi’s latest move. Mr Mudavadi’s deal to join UDF was sealed surprisingly quickly, there was no time for public speculation. The choice of the UDF was quite telling. The party was formed by State House operatives. It is not a secret that one of the senior operatives guides the party and is its major resources mobiliser. Prior to Mr Mudavadi’s announcement, he met the senior operative at least twice — at his Kileleshwa home in Nairobi and at his rural home in Mululu, Vihiga County. UDF was formed as a potential vehicle for Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta to seek the presidency. It is unlikely that State House operatives would craft such a political strategy without the full approval of President Kibaki. On the other side of the coin, Mr Moi was involved in egging on the DPM to make a serious statement. During Mr Mudavadi’s visit to Rift Valley, where he said he had gone to consult, he lent his ear to well known Kanu loyalists. One of the most remarkable statements was by Mr Mark Too, a political broker in the Rift Valley. Mr Too said: “I know Musalia is the right one to be president. We want him to take the leadership from President Mwai Kibaki.” He went ahead to ask for support from the Luhya community as “we in the Rift Valley will fully support him.” In the meetings, Mr Mudavadi was referred to as lakwet nyo (our child). Instructively, Mr Mudavadi’s step mother comes from the Kalenjin community. The DPM capped his Rift Valley forays by visiting former Mr Moi at his Kabarak home in Nakuru. The three men are not new to each other. Musalia’s father, Moses Mudavadi, a career educationist in the 1950s, was a close friend of Mr Moi. And many years later in 2002, Mr Moi would craft his succession with Mr Mudavadi as his Vice-President and eventually a running mate of his preferred candidate, Mr Uhuru Kenyatta. Mr Too was a key strategist in the Moi succession plot. Curiously, Kanu was “heavily represented” at Mr Mudavadi’s defection event this week with secretary general Nick Salat one of the notable guests together with a horde of overly excited Kanu stalwarts